Want to See A Sasquatch?
Happy Body Care claims its “Bigfoot Juice” will attract any within 1.5 miles.
By Jessie Schiewe
Happy Body Care’s Bigfoot Juice is supposed to attract Sasquatches within 1.5 miles. (Art: Nes Vuckovic)
In early 2017, Allie Megan Webb made a slightly delusional decision. Even though the Marion, N.C., mom already had two young children and a full-time job, she decided to add more to her plate, and opened a small business.
A few years earlier, Webb had become increasingly interested in using essential oils and living “a greener lifestyle,” but she was always disappointed by how much more expensive the natural alternatives were. So she, with the help of her husband, Corey — who also has a full-time job, as well as a lawn care side business — created Happy Body Care, an online shop that sells non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and homemade bath and beauty products.
From its whipped body butter to its laundry detergent, all of the store’s wares are made with tried, true, and trusted ingredients that Webb doesn’t feel “funny about.” “It’s everything that I put on myself, my children, and my husband,” she said.
The items are also low in cost, with most priced between $5 and $10 in an effort to reach more people and enable them to live a cleaner, greener life sans a hefty price tag.
“I’m not doing this to be a millionaire,” Webb told OK Whatever. “I would just really love to help push our community to a greener lifestyle, to just give people that option.”
Before using Etsy to sell her products, Webb took to Facebook to advertise Happy Body Care and sales were coordinated through private messages. She did this for about a year, growing her customer base gradually. It wasn’t long before she was shipping her goods internationally.
“We were slowly getting everything together,” she said.
That slow-but-steady pace changed the moment Webb started selling Bigfoot Juice: a pungent, clear liquid that functions as both a bug repellant and Sasquatch aphrodisiac. Its product description guarantees its ability to attract a Bigfoot “if there is one [sic] within a mile and a half.”
She posted a link to the product on the Facebook group Bigfoot911 where it caught the attention of a local reporter from the Charlotte Observer who wrote about it last September. Within days, news outlets around the world had picked up the story and Happy Body Care was flooded with messages from fans looking to order the multi-tasking spray.
“It blew up and I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ ” Webb said.
Allie Megan Webb makes most of Happy Body Care’s products at her kitchen table. (Art: Nes Vuckovic)
The idea for Bigfoot Juice came to Webb when Corey — who is a member of a local Bigfoot research team — complained about smelling the same as her because they both used Happy Body Care’s sole bug spray.
“He decided he didn’t want to smell like me anymore or whatever when he went into the woods on his searches, and that he wanted a little more of a manly smelling bug spray,” she said.
The couple started discussing what ingredients would go into such a bug spray, and naturally, the subject of Bigfoot came up.
“We started talking about if Bigfoot was going to be attracted to the new bug spray,” Webb recalled, “and if so, what would he be attracted to?”
In the end — though Webb wouldn’t divulge any of the ingredients — she settled on a mixture of musky essential oils, with a very faint scent. Her theory is that it will attract any nearby Sasquatch because it’ll “be interested in seeing what the scent is coming from, because it’s not exactly a woodsy, outdoors smell, but it’s not so overpowering that they’d be like, ‘Oh, that’s a human. I’ll go around them.’ ”
At $7, the spray is a steal, whether you buy it for its novelty aspect or because you really are trying to find Bigfoot. Like with every other Happy Body Care product, the special formula is concocted at the Webb’s kitchen table, usually at night after the kids go to bed.
“Right now, everything is made by us at home. We put the labels on the bottles, we do everything.”
Eventually, she hopes to open a Happy Body Care shop in Marion, where Bigfoot fans are common and alternative, green businesses are scarce. A lot of the locals, she said, are conservative and “old-school” and could benefit from a reality check.
“I got the shit scared out of me when I realized just how bad some stuff is,” Webb said. She thinks it’s important that others come to similar realizations and understand that living a cleaner, more natural life “doesn’t mean you have to stop shaving your armpits and grow dreadlocks.”
Having a brick-and-mortar store in North Carolina would also be a smart idea because the state has some of the highest numbers of Sasquatch sightings in the country. “There’s a ton of them here,” Webb said, although she herself has yet to see one. In fact, she’s not 100-percent convinced that Bigfoot even exists. But she isn’t totally closed-off to the idea either.
“My husband is much more of a believer than I,” she said. “I’m on the fence about it. I don’t want to say that he doesn’t exist because I’ve never seen him, but then again, I’ve never seen Mount Everest and I heard that exists.”