Sex Dust

Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots

This stimulating blend of non-toxic plants by Moon Juice promises to get your juices flowing — creatively and/or literally — as well as help keep your hormones and stress levels in check.

Via Moon Juice



The Deets…

One ingredient in particular — shilajit — is a known aphrodisiac and libido booster. Organic Epimedium, aka “horny goat weed,” helps ignite desire and strengthen sensation. Other plants found in this highly popular powder are known for their abilities to increase blood flow, stimulate endorphin release, and enhance one’s overall mood.

“Strange & Sexy Gifts to Give Your Partner”

Possessing a smoky cacao flavor, Sex Dust pairs well in coffee, chocolate, tea, milk, and smoothies.

Recommended dosage: 1 teaspoon per serving.

StuffJessie Schiewebody-oddy