Modern-Day Hermits

An ongoing series about the people who voluntarily leave society to create solitary worlds of their own.


Hermits have existed since ancient times, choosing to live reclusive lives in remote locales separate from the rest of civilization. Translating to “desert dwellers” in Latin, hermits were historically deeply religious, spending their days enmeshed in prayers and meditations, while forgoing sensual and worldly pleasures. 

In our overpopulated world, it can be hard to imagine places where people can live in seclusion and not interact with any human beings, yet there are a handful of modern-day hermits still out there. Unlike their predecessors, they’re less motivated by religious pursuits, driven more by a desire to escape, save money, protect the planet, and live off-the-grid. 

In the last decade, a number of modern-day hermits have been uncovered, living quietly — and secretly — in locales across Europe, the U.S., and Asia.

“Modern-Day Hermits” is an ongoing series about these rare, fascinating people who’ve chosen solitude over everything else.

Jessie Schiewe