Credit: Cassie Tucker
The West, the Midwest, and Douglas, Wyoming.
The Jackalope is a creature that looks just like a rabbit aside from the antlers protruding from its forehead. The description of its size ranges between that of a rabbit and a horse, and it’s said to be non-dangerous unless threatened, at which point it will fight with its antlers. In the Old West, when cowboys gathered by campfires and sang at night, Jackalopes could be heard mimicking their voices. If you want to catch one, you’re supposed to leave out a dish of whiskey at night, which the Jackalope will drink, becoming intoxicated and drowsy. Other rumors about Jackalopes are that its meat tastes like lobster, and its milk is a powerful aphrodisiac.
Douglas, Wyoming
The self-proclaimed “home of the Jackalope,” Douglas boasts the world’s largest and second largest Jackalope statues, with ample souvenir shops scattered throughout the town. Every June, the people of Douglas also host a “Jackalope Days” festival.
Dubois, Wyoming
Located inside the Exxon Country Store, you can get a great photo op straddling a giant stuffed Jackalope for just $1.