The Jersey Devil
Credit: Cassie Tucker
Southern New Jersey
In the 1730s, a mother in southern New Jersey found herself pregnant with an unwanted thirteenth child. When she discovered this, she is said to have proclaimed: “Let it be a devil!” Sure enough, when the nine months were up, a devilish creature flew out of her womb and escaped into the forest. Known as the Jersey Devil, it has been haunting the Pine Barrens, a stretch of forest in Jersey, ever since. Almost all reported sightings have described it as possessing large wings, the head of a horse, claws, hooves, horns, and glowing eyes. It’s reportedly responsible for raiding farms and killing livestock, destroying crops, and wreaking havoc in general.
Asbury Park, New Jersey
This museum, located just a few blocks from the boardwalk, showcases a vast display of everything paranormal and occult, including relics connected to the Jersey Devil. Make sure to plan ahead because the museum is only open to the public for scheduled, guided tours.
Southern New Jersey
You can camp in the Jersey Devil’s very own stomping grounds, but do so at your own risk because campers have reported terrifying encounters!